I have never blogged before. I have never enjoyed any form of poetry, or writing, or English for that matter. Quite frankly put, words are not my forte. What I do enjoy though is my Savior Jesus Christ and everything He has done for me. For that reason I "labor diligently to write, to persuade... [my] brethren, to believe in Christ" (2 Nephi 25:23). I wouldn't like to say that there will be any definite theme or motif to my blog, I feel that establishing a theme will limit my ability to write, but if I had to choose a theme, or one beginning message to define what I hope for from my blog, it would be from this following story.
Before I came to Tennessee to serve a two-year mission for my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as the LDS or 'Mormon' Church), two of my favorite hobbies were running and playing the acoustic guitar. My days were filled with miles of pavement pounding and hours of harmonious chords and frets.
If you have ever donated blood before you are familiar with the process before they draw the blood. If you aren't familiar I'll elaborate. Before they actually draw the blood from you, a nurse will go over some paperwork with you, take your pulse, and take a sample of your blood by pricking the end of one of your fingers. Every time without fail I was asked one of these two questions: "Do you play guitar?" or "Do you run a lot?". The callous on the ends of my fingertips was a result of my hours of practice, my extremely low pulse revealed my passion for running. As little as the nurses had known about me, the majority of my lifestyle was revealed through a simple touch of my hands.
"Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands" (1 Nephi 21:16). What do the Savior's hands say about His lifestyle? What do the marks in his hands, his feet, and his side, say about His unending love for us and His dedication to serving us? The theme of His life was written in His hands, to draw all men unto Him, to have faith in Him, repent, be baptized, received the gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end!
Our hands can reveal a lot about what we do with our life. If people could see our spiritual hands, what stories would they tell?
Christ's hands told the story of His life, as our Savior and Redeemer, and through my hands I write to the best of my capabilities to testify of Him. He lives and loves us!